FanFair guide for artists - How to Stop Ticket Touts


FanFair Alliance, the music industry campaign established in July 2016 to tackle “industrial-scale online ticket touting”, has today published new guidance to help artists and managers tackle exploitative secondary ticketing. 

Backed by the Music Managers Forum (MMF), the guidance can be downloaded here, and advocates that artists, event organisers and venues make two clear and upfront statements in their Terms & Conditions of sale: 1. That tickets are for consumers only to purchase. 2. That audiences are permitted to resell tickets for their price they paid or less, and that a consumer-friendly resale or reallocation mechanism is provided. 

While some artists will continue to employ more comprehensive anti-touting strategies, these cost-free measures aim to empower a wider range of acts to prevent exploitation of their audiences while promoting fairer ticket resale practices. 

The publication follows major developments, led by FanFair Alliance and its supporters and backed by a range of political and regulatory actions, to end dysfunctions in the UK’s secondary ticketing market.

Billie Morton Riley