Industry launches survey to assess impact of PledgeMusic collapse on UK artists


Industry launches survey to assess impact of PledgeMusic collapse on UK artists

As organisations who want to see the music industry thrive, we are deeply disappointed that PledgeMusic has announced its bankruptcy leaving artists and fans out of pocket and with little communication or advice on how to deal with campaign disruption.

UK Music, Music Managers Forum, Musicians’ Union, Association of Independent Music, Help Musicians UK, PRS Foundation and International Showcase Fund partners, including British Underground, PRS Members’ Fund, Music Producers Guild, The Ivors Academy, Featured Artists Coalition, Music Support and the BPI

The failure of PledgeMusic to appropriately ring-fence artist and fan money has the potential to damage artists’ careers and their relationships with fans and fellow creators if they can’t deliver on stalled campaigns.

Individually, each of our organisations have been working hard to support our members during this difficult time. However, in order to consider collective action we have launched an industry-wide survey to assess the impact of the PledgeMusic closure. If you are, or you represent, an artist who has been affected, please fill out the survey here

Accessing further support:

- The Association of Independent Music has some general guidance for those affected by the closure of PledgeMusic here 

- If you are in financial crisis and in need of immediate support (including debt support), please contact Help Musicians UK here

- Help Musicians UK also run a helpline offering mental health support here

- The FAC tip sheet 'Artist to Artist to Fan' here

Music Support is a registered UK charity providing help and support for individuals in any area of the UK music industry affected by mental health issues, addiction or emotional and behavioural health disorders. Freephone helpline: 0800 030 6789 (24hr)

Billie Morton Riley