Amazon Music & Twitch partnership: bringing live-streaming to Amazon Music globally

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Amazon Music has announced a partnership with Twitch to bring livestreams into the Amazon Music app globally, across all tiers of service, on iOS and Android. With this new feature, Amazon Music’s 55M customers will be able to move seamlessly between livestreams and recorded music, providing fans with a richer experience which will encourage deeper consumption of your artist’s catalog. In addition, the partnership brings:

  • Promotion - Followers, Fans and Superfans on Amazon Music will receive push notifications any time artists go live on Twitch. Prominent livestreams will also be featured on Browse Home as well as on Twitch.

  • Discovery – Active livestreams will show up on artist profile pages within the Amazon Music mobile app. They are also discoverable within the Browse Find “Live” category.

  • Insights – via the Twitch Creator Dashboard, artists will be able to see what percentage of viewership came from Amazon Music in both Channel Analytics and Stream Summary within the section “Where did my views come from?”.

To enable livestreams within Amazon Music, artists must first connect their Twitch channel using Amazon Music for Artists. Go to this page for more information about the feature and step-by-step visuals outlining how to connect a Twitch channel via AM4A, and links to livestreaming tips & resources.

Read more about the launch in Billboard and Music Business Worldwide

Billie Morton Riley