Council of Music Makers: Unfinished Business Music-Maker Agenda: Summer 2024


In recent years, music-makers have been campaigning on a number of issues impacting on their individual music-maker businesses, including in streaming, AI and touring. This work has been supported by MPs from all parties in Parliament, especially via the Culture, Media & Sport Select Committee, and there have been a number of important initiatives instigated by the government’s Intellectual Property Office and Department For Culture, Media & Sport.

These campaigns and initiatives have resulted in some positive developments, but there is much more work to be done to truly address the challenges and implement the solutions, so lots of unfinished business. The five organisations that make up the Council Of Music Makers look forward to working closely with the new government and the new Parliament to maintain the momentum, tackle the challenges head on and put practical solutions in place.

Here we look at what was achieved in five key areas during the last Parliament, and set out what needs to happen next, and how ministers and MPs can help ensure positive change.

Billie Morton Riley