Recently, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) announced another round of the Culture Recovery Fund.
A few management and artist businesses have previously been successful in receiving grants from the CRF, but we would like to encourage more to apply. In order to apply you need to be properly constituted and registered with one of these three bodies:
Companies House
Charity Commission
Financial Conduct Authority
Minimum grant amount you can apply for is now £25,000.
Navigating the CRF application can be difficult and time consuming. We, together with the MMF, are therefore hosting a session on the Culture Recovery Fund, including the application process. We are happy to announce that the session will be led by Jess Partridge.
Jess Partridge is a freelance consultant and funding expert having worked with the Music Venue Trust, Association of Independent Festivals, the Face-value European Alliance for Ticketing, Girls I Rate and more to secure funding for their organisations and members. Having worked at PRS Foundation, Youth Music and Help Musicians Jess has a strong overview of funders, their priorities and how to get their attention. Alongside this she’s a freelance events and projects manager; she helped to launch and grow PRS Foundation’s Keychange initiative for gender equality and curates conferences for Annie Mac’s ‘Presents’ series. Through owning In Stereo Group - a print publishing house with a focus on live music, Jess is a proactive and knowledgeable champion of new music and its diversity.
In conjunction with this session we will also offer an opportunity for FAC & MMF members to receive written feedback on their applications. This will be done by Jess Partridge at a cost of £20 per application. If you are interested in receiving individual feedback please book via this link.
Please email us if you wish to register or if you have any questions about the event. Link will be sent out on the day of the event.